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Black Ops 4

  • Best out of 5 maps (first to win 3 maps). 

  • First team to win 8 rounds wins the map. 

  • Games will be Hardcore Search and Destroy, 6v6 (Max of 12 in the lobby). 

  • Minimum of 6 Player’s on a team roster. 

  • Maximum of 15 Player’s on a team roster. 

  • Maximum of 3 L’s, 2iC and 3iC per team. 

  • No one is allowed in COD caster not even a mutual Host. If Admins find out the cb will be voided (Proof must be shown). 

  • Leader’s must not mute the Host or the opposing team’s Leader during the entire game or forfeit for the map will be rewarded to the opposing team. (Proof must be supplied or this will be voided). 

Modern Warfare 3

  • Best out of 5 maps (first to win 3 maps).

  • First team to win 6 rounds/8 rounds, wins the map.

  • Minimum of 5 Player’s on a team roster.

  • Maximum of 15 Player’s on a team roster.

  • Games will be 5v5 or 6v6 (Max of 12 in the lobby).

  • 8 rounds must be set on post before cb set time.

  • Teams are allowed to play 8 rounds as either a 5v5 or 6v6, Leaders must "set" this on the callout. If this is not set before the cb set time, you must play the standard 5v5 - 6 rounds.

  • 6v6 clan battles must be confirmed on the callout before cb time. If not confirmed before a cb and more player's join into the cb, this cb will be voided.

  • You may also play a 6v6 cb as only 6 rounds.

  • The minimum number of players required to play a CB is 3 players. If teams are unable to get 3 player's online, forfeit will be rewarded to the opposing team.

  • 1 sub player can be present in game if playing a 5v5 cb.

  • You can only switch sub twice per cb.

    • Your substitute payer can swap with a player during the map once in the map and only twice within the max of 5 maps.​

    • The new substitute must kill themselves within 10 seconds of the round starting or forfeit is awarded to the opposing team (Proof must be supplied.)

  • Sub must kill themselves within 10 seconds of the round starting. Failure to do so will result in a map forfeit. (Proof must be supplied.)

  • If a sub is using a launcher and somehow manages to kill a player on the opposing team forfeit for that map will be given to the opposing team. (Proof must be supplied.)

  • They must have same clan tag as the other members in their team.

    • Capitalization does not matter.​

  • H2JP or NVPFP 

    • H2JP - Have to join page​

    • NVPFP - Need visible profile photo

  • If a player has either of these next to their name this means they are unable to play in any clan battles until a Leader  or the said member messages our Admin Page.

  • If a player plays a cb and has H2JP or NVPFP next to their name on rosters, forfeit will be rewarded for every map they played.

  • If they continue to play while having H2JP or NVPFP next to their name, a SD will be given. If a player continuously plays with a SD, they will be removed from your roster and placed on a 2 week SD before being able to be registered back to a team.


Need To Join Page

  • All Players being registered to a team who has Facebook MUST join our Facebook page. Instagram accounts & Messenger Only is also allowed as long as there is a visible picture of said player. (This is for Catfishing/Video Calling purposes ONLY) 

  • ALL PLAYERS who have (N2JP or Needs to join page) will NOT be allowed to play ANY CB until they have joined. 

  • Players who have joined the page but has (N2JP) next to their name will be eligible to play as long as proof has been provided. (This will eliminate teams trying to take FF). 

  • Players will need to have joined the page a minimum of an hour before cb set time in order to get admin permission to play with (N2JP) 


Map Picking


  • Defending team picks Map 1. 

  • Contesting team picks Map 2. 

  • Defending team picks Map 3. 

  • Contesting team picks Map 4. 

  • Defending team picks Map 5. 


If a banned map is played this will result in a rematch on an unbanned map. 

Leaders, 2iC and 3iC

  • Leaders handle everything for the team. 

  • Only leaders can promote or demote players. 

  • Leader promotions and demotions are effective as soon as they are sent in.

  • When promoting a member of your team to Leader, 2iC or 3iC, their roles automatically come into effect even though the update hasn’t been done. (Please do remember that if you already have the maximum number of Ls on roster the one who got demoted can no longer be tagged so do be wary). 

  • If a PSN or Facebook Name change is sent in before 5pm NZT and isn’t completed by an admin this player may play in any CB set for that night. (This does not include new players being registered for your team). 

  • If you have any questions regarding updates or a CB that has just been completed, please message the admin page or an admin personally and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

  • 2iC – Can call out, set CBs, post claims or defends & send them in. 

  • 3iC – Can ONLY call out. 


Instagram Users

  • The Following requirements are what needs to be met when registering ALL PLAYERS under IG. 

  • ALL accounts MUST HAVE a visible picture of themself posted to their IG 

  • ALL accounts will have 48 HRS to follow our BOTC Admin IG and accept our request to follow you back (Click Here For Insta) 

  • Failing to have these done will result in your player being removed from your roster and you needing to re-reg said player until the above steps have been done or until admins are happy.  

Disrespecting Admins

  • Please keep in mind that we are here to run a comp for you all to enjoy, it’s not about choosing sides, favoring clans or people.

  • BOTC Admin team try to keep our comp running as legit as possible.

  • Disrespect an Admin and we will happily put you on a 2 Week SD.

  • You will also be removed from our comp page, meaning you will be unable to participate in CBs during this time.

  • ALL CONSEQUENCES will be agreed upon by ALL Admins before making a decision.

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