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When Taking Forfeit

  • ALL FORFEITS need to be sorted in game time

  • Teams can only claim forfeit after a map/cb has been played if one of the ADMINS advises you to do so.

  • If the chance to take FF occurs you must IMMEDIATELY notify the host to end game & opposing teams LEADER about why you wish to take this FF. (Can be done via Game chat, Dm, Leaders Chat or Comment on Callout)

  • If ANY PLAYER even if it’s just ONE from the team who is wanting to claim FF continues playing while trying to get host to end game, your claim will then be voided. (Proof provided)

  • Be mindful & make sure to read the rules properly as any incorrect forfeits will be forfeit awarded to the opposite team

Ending the Game

  • If by chance the host doesn’t end the game then the team wanting to take FF MUST then kill themselves every round until the map has ended.

  • If for ANY REASON the HOST doesn’t end the game & the team who is wanting to take FF loses the map due to rounds being reached, that win WILL not count to the opposing team. (Proof provided that you were or weren’t notified will help in this case)

  • If you or your team wish to take FF in the last round of a map, HOST & OPPOSING LEADER must be notified before the next map is started. 

    • If map is started immediately kill yourselves until the host ends the map.​

  • If for any reason FF occurs on the last round of FINAL MAP, LEADERS MUST notify the opposing teams LEADER as soon as the map finishes & message the Admin Page or Admins within 5 mins to get this FF approved. (NO FF will be rewarded to teams that messaged ADMINS 5 mins after the game has finished).

Reasons To Take Forfeit

  • ALL HARDSCOPES will now be determined by ADMINS!!

  • If you or your team suspects that you’ve been HARDSCOPED, clip it & send it in to the ADMIN PAGE or to an admin personally.

  • SCOPING IN & OUT more than once in the same spot will not be allowed. FF of MAP will be rewarded to the opposing team if caught.

  • NO PUNCHING, KNIFING & GUNNING. FF of MAP if this occurs.

  • SHOOTING BARRELS to kill a player will result in a Map FF to the team that died to the barrel.

  • ANY KILLS made from anyone being in a glitch, will FF that map to the opposing team.

  • The use of BANNED ITEMS will result in a Map FF (Proof Needed).

  • If you or your team are caught in the opposing team’s, team longer than 10 seconds FF will be given to the other team. If for any reason, the player can’t leave or change teams Host MUST END the game & Map will be carried on from where you left off.

  • Teams who play with DOUBLE ROSTERED players will FF every Map said player has played.

  • Those who allow an UNREGISTERED PLAYER to play will FF every map played if caught.

  • Failing to VOICE CHECK will result In a FF for ALL MAPS said person played. (Must refer to Voice checking and Video Calling category for Rules)

  • Failing to VIDEO CALL will result in a FF for ALL MAPS said person played. (Must refer to Voice checking and Video Calling category for Rules)

  • If a player who is currently serving a SD plays a CB, FF will be rewarded for every map played to the opposing team.

  • Teams failing to show after the 30 minutes of set CB time. (Entire CB FF)

  • Teams not having the Minimum of 4 Players in lobby by the time the 30 minute grace period is up from set CB time. (Entire CB FF)

  • For every map a player needs to sit out due to gunning or punching in connection test, will result in a Map FF for every map played. (Proof provided).

  • Round Forfeits will occur If the host doesn’t start the map within 2 minutes of the last map ending. For every minute waited after the 2 minutes is up, the opposing team will start off with an extra round. (E.g Host waits an extra 2 minutes, next map will start as 2-0 to the opposing team).

  • If using a Mutual Host, host MUST be in the team who asked them to host the CB. If caught In the opposing team, FF of Map will occur.

  • ANYONE caught using a Misspelt PSN & or Facebook, FF will be rewarded to the opposing team for every map played.

  • If a Misspelt PSN or Facebook Name occurs due to Admin error, FF will not be given to those who are wanting to claim FF for it.

  • If a player decides to play a CB with (N2JP) next to there name on rosters, FF will be rewarded to the opposing team for every map played.

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