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  • ALL MAPS are to be played with the correct Set-Up. 

  • ALL MAPS with Incorrect set-up must be rematched – HOWEVER 

  • Once third map has started (this includes every map after 3rd map) rematch rule does NOT come in to affect. You must end 3rd map ONLY, correct the set-up & continue with any maps previously won. 

  • No one is allowed in COD caster not even a mutual Host. If Admins find out the cb will be voided (Proof must be shown). 


Map Picking


  • Defending team picks Map 1. 

  • Contesting team picks Map 2. 

  • Defending team picks Map 3. 

  • Contesting team picks Map 4. 

  • Defending team picks Map 5. 


If a banned map is played this will result in a rematch on an unbanned map. 


Pre-Game, Set Up and Connection Test

Black Ops 4

  • Connection test MUST be run on Nuketown (3 Rounds with the BO4 Setup

    • Teams can choose not to have a connection test. 

    • Teams can choose to host own maps 

    • Teams can choose to use a mutual host 

  • Host must start connection test once the 30 minutes from set time is up. (Minimum of 4 Players per team) 

  • If a member from either team guns or punches during connection, said players will then be removed from the CB to sit out. As many times as they gun or punch will be how many maps they sit out for. 

  • NO REPLACEMENTS will be allowed for however many maps the player is to sit out. (If they gun or punch for all 3 rounds of connection, they will sit out for 3 maps leaving you down a number). 

  • BOTH teams are responsible for finding a host. 

  • Host can ONLY be changed twice. (A total of 3 times throughout the entire CB). 

  • If both clans are unhappy with the opposing teams host, both clans MUST host own map. (No connection test needed) 

  • If teams are hosting own map & one player is unable to join, you must allow the host to have 5 minutes to refresh the lobby. If the same player is still having issues joining, the host may start the map & team whose player can’t join will then need to find a replacement or play on with the numbers they have. (Minimum of 4) 

Modern Warfare 3

  • Servers are run as dedicated so no Connection test is required.


In-Game Host, Timing out and Game Interference

  • If the player(s) who gunned or punched in connection test plays, every map they played will be deemed FF to the opposing team. 

  • If host is agreed upon & players start lagging within the first map, map must be finished before finding a new host. Unless the lag is that bad & it's gotten to the point where no one can move, only then will the map be rematched. 

  • If using a mutual host, they MUST be on the team that asked them to host the game. Failure to do so will result in a map FF to the opposing team. 

  • If host leaves for ANY reason other than timing out, bluescreening or getting an error code, FF of that map will go to the opposing team. 

  • You are unable to claim FF for this if the host has provided proof, they blue screened or got error coded. 

    • proof of bluescreen or error code must be a video with the time stamp showing. 

    • The time stamp will appear once the error code is finished in the top right corner. 

  • Host must change the party privacy to invite only as this will help stop game interruptions from players who aren’t supposed to be in there. 

  • If a player times out within the first 30 seconds of a map, host MUST end the game & wait for that player or a new player to join back to restart the map. (This applies to ALL MAPS not just first). 

  • If a player times out AFTER 30 seconds, map must carry on and that player or another member of your team may join back to the game. 

  • If the host times out, the map must be restarted from the beginning. HOWEVER, if the host times out any time after 3rd map, maps must carry on from where they left off before the host timed out. (Proof of scores will be needed for any claims or defends). 

    • If the opposing team loses connection to host, map must be played on from the score they timed out on (Proof must be supplied of rounds won before disconnecting.)​

  • If a random player joins the game but doesn’t interfere by killing anyone & leaves straight away, map will continue on. Please allow 10 seconds for the player to leave or host must kick them). 

  • If a random player joins & doesn’t leave the game within 10 seconds & kills ANYONE. Host MUST end the game, kick the player & carry on with the rounds won before the player joined. 

  • You MUST have photos of rounds won before the map was ended in order for your claim/defend to be valid otherwise that map will be rematched. (If you have a photo of rounds played after having to restart then map will be rematched from then). 

Clan Tags

  • Clan Members: Abbreviation of your clan name unless your PSN includes your clan name then leave blank. 

  • Mutual Host: MH

  • All these clan tags are compulsory to have each map.

  • If a player or team has the wrong clan tag , forfeit will be rewarded for every map they played.

  • If both teams have wrong clan tags this will result in a rematch of each map played.

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